
Mim Bartlett- Be Your Authentic Self

In 2015, Mim Bartlett (TC 1986) was a winner of the Australian Financial Review and Westpac 100 Women of Influence Awards.
Mim holds a double Law/Arts degree from the University of Melbourne with a major in Mandarin Chinese language, is the creator of ChangeUp business consultancy, a believer in gender equality and a passionate social justice advocate. Despite all her achievements, Mim has faced setbacks in her career, but says believing in yourself and pursuing your passions is the key to success. We caught up with Mim to discuss relationship building, work-life balance, leadership and what excites her about the future.

Building Relationships and Backing Yourself

Mim’s advice to students and young people is to find what you are passionate about and where your strengths lie.

When she was younger she was hesitant to form new networks, but has since learnt the value building new relationships can have on your career and more importantly, your overall life satisfaction. Mim strives to always be generous with her connections and encourages others to do the same.

‘As younger people if you can have it in your head, that building relationships is part of your job and will be part of your career, then it will help you throughout your life,’ says Mim.

Mim explained the latest report on the future looks specifically at skills including relationship building, managing stakeholders, creativity, collaboration and other soft skills.

‘We’ve all got university degrees now. The soft skills and the people skills, reaching out, influencing and connecting people, taking risks to do that is actually more important than ever.’

Finding a Routine

Nevertheless, Mim is mindful of overcommitting herself and believes the ability to say no is an important skill she has had to learn as part of maintaining a work-life balance.

‘I used to take everything that was offered to me, but now I’m not afraid to say no. When people ask me to go to things and I’ve had too many nights out, I say no, and I’ve learnt to be more comfortable with saying no.’

She says the key to maintaining a healthy work-life balance is to find a routine that suits you. Mim’s routine includes playing sport every day, going to bed early and waking up early, finding time to spend with her close friends and family, avoiding too much alcohol, and spending at least five minutes a day on mindfulness and meditation.

Authentic Leadership

Mim is responsible for coaching executives and leaders and offering advice on how to lead with a sense of purpose.

Mim believes authenticity is pivotal for leadership, and identifying a set of core values and a moral compass are key to becoming an effective leader. She challenges individuals to reflect on their top five values and to try and lead with these values in mind.

‘Try to know your strengths as a leader. Be authentic, know your values, and even at a younger age to have sense of your purpose or how you want to be remembered.’

Being True to Yourself

In addition, to her professional and business acumen, Mim is also passionate about social justice (a long-time supporter of the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre) and the ability for individuals to make a difference at a grassroots level.

Asked what she is currently passionate about, Mim told of her teenage son Rich Bartlett’s decision to come out in a and his bravery in being his ‘authentic self’.

‘It doesn't have to be so public, anything we can do big or small has an impact on others, being bold and being vulnerable and doing what we can to make a dif

Category: People

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